Reference Request Letter

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How to write a Reference Request Letter? An easy way to start your request letter is to download this Reference Request Letter. Completing your request has never been easier!

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How to write a Reference Request Letter? An easy way to start your request letter is to download this Reference Request Letter template here.

When you want to write a request letter for an applicant reference, make sure that all the details that you ask will depend on the type of position and level of seniority. This request letter sample outlines the main areas that you may want to find out about. Because every day will keep you busy with new projects, emails, documents, and task lists, you might not have the time to accept all the requests.

Don't reinvent the wheel every time you want to write a reference letter. Instead, use the sample letters we provide with text and formatting as a starting point to help writing a professional letter.

Reference Request Letter sample

To Whom It May Concern / Dear Mr., Mrs., / Dear {{Name of referee}},
I would be very grateful if you could provide a reference for {{Name of Applicant}}, who has applied for the above post at {{Name of Organization}}. I am enclosing a copy of the job description and the person specification for the post and would really appreciate your views on {{Name of applicant}}’s suitability for this position. 
Please indicate your knowledge of his/her qualifications and ability to carry out the duties specified in the job description and how you feel he/she would meet the requirements as stated on the person specification. {{Instead, you may wish to give a brief description of the post and key skills required for the job role and ask the referee to comment on their suitability.}}
{{Name of Applicant}} states that he/she is currently employed by {{You / Name of Organization}} as a {{Job Title}} with responsibility for {{insert as appropriate}} during their employment with you. They have also gained experience {{insert as appropriate}}. I would be grateful if you could let me know whether those statements are accurate along with details of {{Name of Applicant}}’s current salary. Please broadly outline details of any absences from work over the last two years and confirm if the applicant’s time keeping has been acceptable or not.
Please confirm whether or not {{name}}’s performance of their duties whilst in your employment has been satisfactory. 
Finally, please detail how long you have known {{Name}} and in what capacity. I would be grateful if you could let me have a reply by {{Date}}. {{Can scan and email signed reference or send}}.
Thank you very much for your time,
Yours sincerely,

Our private, business and legal document templates are regularly screened by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter. Using this request letter template guarantees you will save time, cost and efforts! It comes in Microsoft Office format, is ready to be tailored to your personal needs. 

Download this Reference Request Letter template now for your own benefit! If you wish to decline the request, download a decline request letter here.

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