Thank you for coming to the meeting on {{date}}. At our meeting I gave you advanced warning that you are at risk of dismissal on grounds of redundancy. This situation has arisen through no fault of your own, but has come about because {{summarize the reasons for the planned staff reductions and why this member of staff is included in the at-risk pool}}.
In these circumstances you may, if you wish, pursue alternative options.
Voluntary severance. If you choose to do so, and if your application is accepted, I can confirm that you will be eligible to leave under the University’s scheme of enhanced severance terms, a copy of which is enclosed. The option to apply to leave under this scheme remains open to you at any time during this ‘advance warning’ period, which will continue, if necessary, until {{date}}. I must stress, however, that a resignation submitted on this basis will not be effective until it has been formally accepted by the department.
Redeployment. You may wish to look for alternative employment within the University. If this is the case, we will, of course, make all reasonable efforts to help you to find suitable alternative work within this department. There is, however, no guarantee that these efforts will have a successful outcome and you should, therefore, give consideration to pursuing possible alternative employment elsewhere within the University.
If you do wish to pursue suitable alternative employment within the University, please sign and return the enclosed letter (A6) to me by {{date – normally two weeks after date of this letter}}. I will then arrange for a nominated facilitator to support you through the redeployment procedures and will also confirm that you will be able to apply as a priority candidate for vacancies at the University. The nominated facilitator will be able to draw your attention to other possible support that you may consider, such as careers advice and the staff counselling service.
I appreciate that you may not wish to be considered for suitable alternative employment within the University. If this is the case, I should be grateful if you could sign and return the enclosed letter (A5) to me by {{date – normally two weeks after date of this letter}}.
You are, of course, welcome, if you wish, to ask a union representative or colleague of your choice from within the University to accompany you to any future meetings to discuss possible further employment.
I must advise you that, if you do not choose to apply for voluntary severance and it is not possible to find you suitable alternative employment within the University, it may ultimately become necessary to invoke the procedures which could lead to the termination of your employment on grounds of redundancy. In this case, you will be issued with a separate letter confirming that your employment is to be terminated and advising you of your entitlement to notice and statutory redundancy pay. Please note that unless and until you receive such a letter, no final decision has been taken on the continuation of your employment with the Organization.
I hope that this information is clear, but if you have any questions, or you would like to discuss the situation again, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will in any case make sure that you are kept informed of any developments.
Yours sincerely,