Sipoc Diagram (5 times why)

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Sipoc Diagram (5 times why).Six Sigma Project Management Example Templates.

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Business Unternehmen project management Projektmanagement management Verwaltung employment Beschäftigung project Projekt timesheet Stundenzettel Computing Datenverarbeitung, rechnend Leadership Führung Accountability Rechenschaftspflicht Technology Technologie Six Sigma Green Belt Project Six Sigma Green Belt Projekt Timesheets Stundenzettel

,,Five Why Analysis,,, ,,Timesheet Processing,,, ,,Cost Data Integrity Project,,, ,,,, ,1st Why ,,,, ,Why are employees not entering timesheets into the Project Management System ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,, ,,, ,2nd Why ,,,, ,Why are Project Managers not requiring a timesheet from personnel assigned to the project ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,, ,,, ,3nd Why ,,,, ,Why do Project Managers fail to recognize the cost impact of timesheets not processed ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,, ,,, ,4nd Why ,,,, ,Why do Project Managers fail to understand how project accounting works and its impact on project management ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,, ,,, ,5th Why ,,,, ,Why do we not require some form of training on project accounting and its connection to project performance reporting ,,,, ,,,,Corrective Action, ,,,,Level of Five Why, ,,,, ,,,,Immediate Action Steps: ,,,,1..

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