Using this Sale Purchase Receipt template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and enables you to grow the business faster! After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can easily customize e.g. visuals, typography, details, and appearance of your Sale Purchase Receipt.
Download this Sale Purchase Receipt template now!
Purchaser θ θ θ θ θ θ It’s evidence of what was said by the vendor the car is theirs to sell, is not stolen, on finance or previously written off If you are stopped by the police before you are the keeper, a receipt assist to establish title If it transpires there is a problem with the vehicle, the receipt will assist you to establish your innocence You can buy with a little more confidence knowing that the vendor has signed something and you possess a formal record of their details A registration document is not evidence of ownership – the DVLA record ‘keepers’ in the UK we have no title register.. PURCHASE RECEIPT / SALES INVOICE Sold by: VENDOR Name: Date: Address: Postcode: Tel: Mob: Sold To: PURCHASER Name: Address: THE VEHICLE Registration Mark: Mileage: Make: Model: Date of registration: Colour: VIN: PRICE PAID DECLARATION BY THE VENDOR £ I declare that I am / I am not the owner of the above vehicle and have title to it that I may pass..
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