How do you maintain a stock register? Are you managing a warehouse and looking for a suitable Stock Card template? Download this Warehouse Stock Card template now!We provide a Warehouse Stock Card template that will professionalize your way of administration in your warehouse. Easy to use for smaller warehousing systems, where goods are regularly stocked for a short period of time.
According to the First-In, First-Out (FIFO) accounting principle, you can manage inventory one option of keeping track of inventory is the warehouse stock card, a ledger that tracks purchases, sales, returns, and other drawings. It tracks the unit price and inventory counts, Supplier Code, Supplier Name, Period, Verified by, Verified date, Date, Item code, Item name, Unite price, Card quantity, Counted quantity, Difference, Notes, Signature, etc. Including stock control: maximum quantity, minimum quantity and reorder level.
The Stock cards provide a system that records all stock movement and which allows someone to compare the stock balance on record with the actual physical stock present. This is termed “stock-taking” or “stock-counting”, and will identify stock losses or the disappearance of items.
By using this Warehouse Stock Card template guarantees you will save time, cost, and effort!