Apartment Roommate Contract

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How to draft a proper Apartment Roommate Contract? Download this Apartment Roommate Contract template that will perfectly suit your needs!


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How to draft a proper Apartment Roommate Contract? Download this Apartment Roommate Contract template that will perfectly suit your needs!

When you are a landlord, or an existing group of tenants that are renting a room, or a place you share, it’s common to set up a roommate agreement. It organizes the daily routine and prevents future issues. When you are renting, some choices you make can have legal consequences, such as delay paying rent, making too much noise in the long run, misbehavior, etc. Therefore, if you are a landlord or an existing group of tenants, it’s important to give consideration to how to communicate with each other. 

Check all services that roommates will share responsibility for: Gas Heating Telephone Trash Pickup Gas Cooking Internet Access Yard Work Electric Cable/Satellite TV Renter s Insurance Water Newspaper Services that roommates will be responsible for individually: Parking Telephone Newspaper Internet Access Cable/Satellite TV Pet Care 

MOVING OUT If, for whatever reason, one of the roommates moves out of the dwelling, they will give the other tenants and the landlord a minimum of 60 days written advance notice.. In addition, we agree to the following arrangements regarding: Food/Cooking/Kitchen Supplies/Kitchen Clean-up: Draw up specific rules about who is responsible for buying kitchen supplies and food staples decide if turns will be taken cooking meals and washing dishes set down rules about food sharing or set general rules like "all dirty dishes must be washed and put away promptly not left in the sink.". 

ADDITIONAL REMARKS: (Attach additional sheets if necessary to address other issues such as security, furniture, appliances): As party to this agreement I realize that I, as well as each of my roommates, have equal rights to the use of the space and facilities in the dwelling with the exception of the areas we have designated as each ones...
This Roommate Agreement Contract template covers the most important subjects and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional and legal way with those involved. The utilities not included in the rent will be shared by the Roommates according to the following arrangement: 

  • Utility Name on Bill Payment Method (circle one) 
  • Electricity, Water, Gas, Heat, Garbage, Internet, Phone, Cable, Other: Even Split Rotating Specific Roommate(s),
  • Parking: The Roommates are entitled to park their vehicles on the Premises per the following instructions: Roommate Make and Color of Vehicle Parking Spot Location Each Roommate is responsible for any damage to the Premises caused by him or her including his or her guests.
  • Telephone 
  • Internet Cable/Satellite
  • TV Trash 
  • Pickup Moving Out
  •  Privacy/Guests/Overnight Guests
  • Sharing of Personal Items
  • Noise/Study Times & Space
  • Smoking, Drinking, Drugs
  • Parties/Entertaining
  • Pets/Allergies

If for whatever reason, one of the roommates moves out of the dwelling prior to the end of the lease term, they will give the other tenants and the landlord a minimum of 60 days' written notice. Parking If there is a limited number of parking spots, how will you decide who gets to park in these spots If required, who will be responsible for purchasing a city parking permit Noise/Study Times If there are times when you want the room or apartment to be quiet, this should be discussed and drafted into the contract.

Legal professionals need templates more than any other industry. Our trustworthy legal templates are all drafted and screened by legal professionals that have experience in special law-related fields and are actively involved in legal issues around the topic. Using our legal templates will help you to deal with the situation! However, this Legal template will help you deal with this legal matter, we still recommend you consider finding legal support in case you have doubts about dealing with it the right way. 

Using our easy-to-modify Roommate Agreement Contract helps to make a perfect document for any kind of personalized legal matter. This Roommate Contract provides users the opportunity to establish guidelines related to the details of their living arrangements.

Download this professional legal Apartment Roommate Contract template now and save yourself time, effort and possibly reduce the lawyer fees in order to become more successful.

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